May 28: Chapters Kamloops will host a live reading and signing with Katie Welch from 1-3 pm. 1395 Hillside Drive, Kamloops, BC
May 29: Katie reads from Mad Honey at a Real Vancouver Writers’ Series online event, 4 pm PST. Register here:
June 2: Wolsak & Wynn host the Spring 2022 Buckrider Books Virtual Launch, 7-8 pm EST:
June 5: Perfect Books in Ottawa host Katie Welch to sign copies of Mad Honey, 1 – 3 pm:
June 8: The St Catharines Public Library, in-person author talk and book signing, 6:30 – 7:30 pm:
June 11: Toronto WORD ON THE STREET Panel Appearance, 3-4 pm
June 13: Burlington Public Library, in-person author talk and book signing, 6:30 – 7:30 pm